Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Naked Saint

1- The Naked Saint does stray from the usual structure of a fairy tale. Instead of this overall sense of magic, these mystical aspects such as the sounds, wheel, curse are very reeled in magic. It is more of a person's experience. However the tale does have an orient setting and a lack of an exact time, which gives it elements of a fairy tale. The tale does have a heavy religious undertone with the naked saint being released from his human form and then transforming to an angel. So i think that overall this story is a tale of a person's experience and them experiencing the world with the new inclusion of music with fairy tale elements sprinkled in it.

2- The relationship between the music and poetic language, came more from when reading the story there was sense of interpretation which is common to song lyrics or pieces of music. One of the girls in my discussion group believes that the man could hear music because of having sex. This was an extremely far fetched idea for another girl in my group. The short tale does allow room for opinion and people can see what they want to see in the story just like music and songs.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Assignment 9

1) Multiple elements of Wackenroder's tale qualify it as a fairy tale. For example, the setting is ambiguous with regard to time and location. The wheel also seems to be a curse and magic is also present when it suddenly disappears. Further characteristics of this story fall under the literary fairy tale genre. There is an uncertainty between madness and reality with the saint's supposed hearing of the wheel. With an unspecified oriental setting, the element of the exotic is also present, which was a characteristic of German Romanticism. Furthermore, the individual "genius"/misunderstood character is rewarded in the end with his wheel disappearing.

2) The relationship between text and music is interesting in this tale. While I believe it is difficult to channel the power that music has through writing, elements of this story were reminiscent of music. For example, Wackenroder uses repetition several times. "Like a waterfall with thousands and thousands of rushing streams that tumbled from heaven and poured itself eternally, eternally without a momen'ts pause, without a second's pause." (297) With this description, the reader can imagine the sound of the wheel turning over and over in the saint's ears. Although it does not accomplish a recreation of the actual sound, I believe that text can communicate some of the characteristics of music.

Keith's response

The naked saint does fit into the characteristics of the fairytale genre.
First off, there is a naked saint who is in charge of turning "the
powerful rushing wheel of time" (298). This saint is seems
slightly/drastically crazy throughout the story and is "trapped in the
whirlpool of his wild confusion (297). He is given a magical task to
always turn the wheel and he refuses to follow the rules as seems to be a
characteristic of the fairytale genre. The Kunstmarchen looks for a more
literary and artistic form of the fairytale genre. Α Wondrous
Oriental Tale of a Naked Saint has these requirements.

Poetic language and music are intertwined in A Wondrous Oriental Tale of a
Naked Saint. The Saint is trapped in a never task which brings him
nothing but turmoil and suffering. The music of the lovers comes into his
life and he transforms into a celestial being. This transformation helps
the lovers escape the wheel of time and become free.

Prompt 9: Wackenroder

1. Wackenroder's tale, "A Wondrous Oriental Tale of a Naked Saint," definitely fits into the Fairy Tale/Kunstmärchen genre. First of all, the element of magic is present as the naked saint hears the wheel of time when nobody else can. The way that this condition can definitely be seen as a curse or spell, which are common in fairy tales. Also, transformation occurs, like in so many other fairy tales (like Beauty and the Beast, or The Frog King). Not only does the saint change, but before the music, homes are transformed. Finally, althought the story doesn't end with a marriage like many fairy tales, it does include love and what I read to be a "happily ever after."

2. I think that the power evoked by music is much stronger than that evoked by litereature. I find more dimensions in music such as changes in volume, texture, time and key. My perception comes from being a musician and understanding the "language" of music better than that of literature. However, I do not mean to imply that literature is not a powerful means of communication.

Assignment 9 - 31. March 2009

Hi Erica, Keith, Mallory and Anna,

Here is this week's assignment. Please take note of the deadlines.

Read Wackenroder's A Wondrous Oriental Tale of a Naked Saint and do the following:

1. Using elements from this tale, explain how it fits into the Fairy Tale/Kunstmärchen genre.

2. Trace the relationship of music and poetic language. Is the power evoked by music also accessible to language or does language merely point out to music and/or what music does.

Deadline for posts: 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday

Deadline for comments on a minimum of two posts: Midnight on Wednesday

Looking forward to your posts!
