Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Assignment 9

1) Multiple elements of Wackenroder's tale qualify it as a fairy tale. For example, the setting is ambiguous with regard to time and location. The wheel also seems to be a curse and magic is also present when it suddenly disappears. Further characteristics of this story fall under the literary fairy tale genre. There is an uncertainty between madness and reality with the saint's supposed hearing of the wheel. With an unspecified oriental setting, the element of the exotic is also present, which was a characteristic of German Romanticism. Furthermore, the individual "genius"/misunderstood character is rewarded in the end with his wheel disappearing.

2) The relationship between text and music is interesting in this tale. While I believe it is difficult to channel the power that music has through writing, elements of this story were reminiscent of music. For example, Wackenroder uses repetition several times. "Like a waterfall with thousands and thousands of rushing streams that tumbled from heaven and poured itself eternally, eternally without a momen'ts pause, without a second's pause." (297) With this description, the reader can imagine the sound of the wheel turning over and over in the saint's ears. Although it does not accomplish a recreation of the actual sound, I believe that text can communicate some of the characteristics of music.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you talked about how this story qualifies as not only a traditional fairy tale, but also a literary fairy tale. I agree that text can communicate SOME of the same characteristics as music, but I believe that there's a reason why music and text are put together in songs.
