Wednesday, March 18, 2009


-The target for the film was for younger children who are just entering teenage years full of temptation and paths that may lead them in the wrong direction. The film wanted to appeal to a working class family in order to instill values and lessons that they can apply to their current life and living situation. This film was over the top a bit with comedy being forced through, but I think it was because many hard working middle class East Germans where looking for any excuse to laugh at that time. Times were tough and tense. The film let them laugh and still have lessons taught to them.
-This film and Snow White both remove the mystical magical elements of these fairy tales. They actually make things seem oddly real and humanistic, such as the devil being a person not some crazed monster that would be too far fetched to believe could ever be human. Snow White removed the mystery behind the "magic mirror" by replacing it with technology. The films also had funny elements of slapstick that makes this an easily identifiable DEFA film.
- The film medium allows for this to just be plain old ridiculous. Such as the boy caring for the devil. It is just funny to watch. It is over the top but it is okay because even though the magic is taken away there is still a level of plain old silly that goes on in the film, that is not so simply to portray in a written version. With the action is what makes the film funny and entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. -Good point about the working class, I didn't even think of that. I really like that idea, and it definitely makes sense!
    -I completely agree with the parallels between this and Snow White.
    -This part of the prompt confused me a little...but I agree that the film allowed the story to become more of a comedy.
